Taconic offers thousands of cryopreserved GEM lines accessed via simple Terms of Sale which grant perpetual use rights. A single purchase price provides cryorecovery and a deliverable of four* mutant animals at the Murine Pathogen Free™ health standard within 12 weeks. Taconic can work with you to quickly scale up to meet your study cohort needs and manage your colony.
Available cryopreserved models come from many sources, including two specific collections:
Knockout Repository
The Knockout Respository (KOR) collection consists of over 4,000 fully licensed knockout mouse models generated by Lexicon Genetics, Inc. via gene targeting and gene trapping. Most lines are on a mixed 129S5 x C57BL/6J-Tyrc-Brd background. Comprehensive Phenotypic Data Packages are available for purchase for Knockout Repository lines.
The GEM Collection
The Genetically Engineered Models (GEM) Collection offers access to several hundred proprietary GEM lines, generated by a pharma company, primarily on a C57BL/6 genetic background. The collection contains conditional and constitutive knockout (KO) mice, transgenic over-expressing lines, and conditional and constitutive targeted transgenic lines. These lines are available to non-profit researchers at a subsidized price.
* In rare cases involving models with recombinases or multiple genetic modifications, this deliverable may be reduced to 1-2 mice.