Taconic Biosciences Announces All US and EU Rat Colonies Free of Rat Polyomavirus 2

Hudson, NY, - December 14, 2016 - Taconic Biosciences, a leading provider of genetically engineered mouse models and associated services to researchers worldwide, today announced that all US and European commercial rat colonies are free of a newly discovered agent. IDEXX BioResearch announced it has identified rat polyomavirus 2, a novel virus, at the 2016 American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Meeting in Charlotte, NC. According to IDEXX, rat polyomavirus 2 may be associated with morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised rats; however, no clinical illness has been reported in immunocompetent animals infected with the virus.

Utilizing a diagnostic assay developed by IDEXX, Taconic screened all commercial rat locations for the presence of this agent and is pleased to announce that all US and European commercial rat colonies are negative for rat polyomavirus 2. Taconic credits these results to a strong biosecurity program, which includes practices and procedures to prevent entry or spread of viral contaminants.

"We attribute these negative results for the novel rat polyomavirus to Taconic's strict bio-exclusion practices," said Dr. Jeffrey Lohmiller, DVM, MS, DACLAM, vice president of quality systems at Taconic Biosciences.

Taconic continually evaluates its health testing program and modifies the protocol based on current scientific literature and changing customer and/or research needs. As the biological impact of rat polyomavirus 2 is still being investigated, Taconic does not plan to add the virus to its routine health testing program. Taconic anticipates that strict bio-exclusion practices will continue to prevent entry of this agent.

To learn more about Taconic Biosciences' industry-leading health standards, please visit the Health Testing Program webpage, or contact the company at 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) in the US, +45 70 23 04 05 in Europe.

About Taconic Biosciences, Inc. Taconic Biosciences is a global provider of genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic helps the biotechnology and pharmaceutical communities acquire, custom generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute highly-relevant research models worldwide. Specialists in genetically engineered mouse and rat models, integrated model design and breeding services, and precision research mouse models, Taconic operates three service laboratories and six breeding facilities in the U.S. and Europe, maintains distributor relationships in Asia, and has global shipping capabilities to provide animal models almost anywhere in the world.
Media Contact:
Kelly Owen Grover
Director of Marketing Communications
(518) 697-3824