Health Monitoring

Taconic® is the only laboratory animal provider with globally harmonized health standards

Mouse in gloved hand

Health Monitoring

Taconic employs the International Health Monitoring System (IHMS™) which is defined by a comprehensive list of microbiological agents, test frequencies, and test methods and meets or exceeds the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) guidelines. This multifaceted testing program screens for agents of highest concern using different methodologies to increase the likelihood of accurate and rapid detection. Additionally, all breeding services are supervised by board-certified veterinarians, enhancing Taconic's commitment to maintaining a comprehensive quality assurance program.

Our Rapid and FRapid® expansion services will establish a customer's colony at any one or multiple health standards, depending on the application of the model and the requirements of the customer. In addition, our model generation ExpressMODEL® services integrate a rederivation into the model generation process, allowing new genetically engineered models (GEMs) coming from custom model generation to carry any one of the Taconic® health standards and move directly into a Taconic® isolated barrier unit or gnotobiotic isolator.

Health Standards

Taconic produces mice and rats at multiple health standards to meet specific research requirements. These health standards range from the most stringent health standard, Taconic Germ-Free (GF), to Taconic Murine Pathogen-Free (MPF) where a select list of opportunistic bacteria are tolerated.

Animal Health Program Updates

Taconic Biosciences Implements Changes to its Animal Health Program

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