Cancellation Policy

Orders can be canceled or changed up to the cutoff time listed. Be sure to cancel an order prior to the cutoff time or cancellation fees up to the entire price of the order will be applied.


Order TypeCutoff day/time
Standard Strains and Stocks

Standard Immunodeficients
Orders from US production sites:
By 6 p.m. ET, two business days prior to ship date
Orders from European production sites:
By 3 p.m. CET, two business days prior to ship date
Special Setups, Exact Date of Birth and Timed Pregnant OrdersBefore breeders are setup or isolated
Germ-Free Models2 weeks prior to ship date
Diet-Induced Mice4 weeks prior to ship date
Live Genetically Engineered Models (GEMs)4 weeks prior to ship date
Humanized Immune System Mice4 weeks prior to ship date
Surgically Modified ModelsBy 3 p.m. ET, two business days prior to animals transfer to surgery location
Aged Animals 13 weeksPrior to animals reaching 13 weeks of age
Rederivations and CryopreservationPrior to initiation of the service
Genetic AnalysisPrior to receipt of samples
Animal Health TestingPrior to receipt of samples
Colony Management ProjectsProject may be canceled at any point prior to or during project execution
Custom Microbiome ProjectsPrior to project initiation
Murine BiospecimensPrior to project initiation


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