The American Red Cross Partners with Taconic Biosciences for Blood Drive

Hundreds of thousands of donors and blood drive hosts like Taconic Biosciences have responded to the call to support this lifesaving mission.

As part of our ongoing commitment to community service, Taconic has been partnering with the American Red Cross to host these blood drives and contribute to crucial care for patients for the past few years. In Q4 2020, Taconic earned a Certificate of Outstanding Service from the American Red Cross CEO for our tremendous efforts to strengthen and advance the Red Cross mission during this uniquely challenging time.

Taconic's commitment to host a second blood drive this year truly made a difference! For September 2, 2021, our team registered 24 total donors, collected 23 pints of blood and recruited 4 first-time donors. 23 pints of blood will save up to 69 lives (up to 3 lives are saved by 1 pint of donated blood; One unit of blood is ~525 mL, which is roughly the equivalent of one pint. 4.5 million American lives are saved each year by blood transfusions. The average transfusion patient receives 3 units of red blood cells and 40,000 pints of donated blood are used each day in the United States.

My personal endeavor to get involved with the American Red Cross resulted from a former Taconic employee and friend who suffered traumatic injuries from a motorcycle accident in 2019, leaving her in intensive care for more than 2 weeks. 8 pints of red blood cells helped save her life following that near fatal accident then, and she continues to make us all proud with her incredible recovery and journey.

Sponsoring these blood drives over the past few years has encouraged our employees to contribute to this effort. Sharing some of their comments below:

"I look forward to participating in future blood drives. This means a lot to me personally - when I was a teenager, my sister had a rare type of leukemia and had many blood transfusions over the course of the disease."

"Our blood drive effort inspired me to donate in my area (for the first time in 10+ years). Thanks for your efforts!"

"THANK YOU for all of your efforts in organizing so many of these blood drives! I will absolutely enroll in the next blood drive - it's a cause that's near and dear to me as many family members have benefitted from blood products."

Our efforts have helped boost the community blood supply and ensure hospital patients have the lifesaving blood they need.

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Bivins, Taconic Biosciences