Precision CRISPR Tools Make the Cut

An article published in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News highlights the introduction of new genome-editing tools based on the CRISPR/Cas9 toolset. Specifically, the advent of Easi-CRISPR (Efficient Additions with single-stranded DNA inserts-CRISPR) has enabled the insertion of larger segments of exogenous DNA with an increased frequency for homology-directed repair. Taconic Biosciences secured a license to Easi-CRISPR last year and has since been using this technology to create genetically-engineered custom mouse models:

Precision CRISPR Tools Make the Cut"We shape our tools, and then they shape us." This saying, or some version of it, has cropped up in various contexts, but only in the context of genome engineering does it promise to become literally true. CRISPR tools that can disable genes, insert new genes, or influence gene expression are being developed that can handle increasingly challenging applications.

We still lack CRISPR tools so precise as to permit the routine modification of germline cells. Consequently, designer babies are not on the research agenda--yet. In the meantime, CRISPR tools are gaining the precision they need for relatively modest (and less ethically fraught) biomedical applications. For example, CRISPR tools can focus gene therapy applications on specific tissues; reprogram immune cells; and generate more humanized animal models."
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