Rodents to the rescue

An article recently published in DDN highlights Taconic Biosciences's new diet-induced NASH mouse model and its importance for preclinical liver disease research. The NASH B6 is available commercially off-the-shelf and available immediately for NAFLD and NASH studies. This level of access enables researchers to test and develop new therapeutics sooner, by skipping the twenty-six weeks needed for other mouse models to develop NASH symptoms once placed on diet:

Rodents to the rescue"There's good news on the preclinical front from Taconic Biosciences and Edison, N.J.-based ContraVir Pharmaceuticals Inc. The companies recently reported promising strides toward a much-needed treatment for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a life-threatening disease that affects up to 12 percent of the U.S. population--with numbers on the rise.

Aimed at saving precious time to find the solution to liver disease, Taconic Biosciences launched the first commercially available diet-induced NASH rodent model."
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