Speeding Up Mouse Model Generation Without Reducing Quality

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are under ever-increasing pressure to accelerate drug discovery and bring new therapeutics to market faster. But when a study requires a genetically engineered mouse model, the timeline for generating the model using traditional techniques may not be optimal. In this article in Fierce Biotech, Taconic Biosciences explains how the ExpressMODEL® portfolio of technologies can yield a larger cohort of mice on a shorter timeline, yielding the data and predictability investigators need without sacrificing quality. The article reviews how ExpressMODEL® leverages Taconic's seamless integration of solutions to custom generate models using homologous recombination (HR) embryonic stem (ES) cells, CRISPR/Cas9, or random integration transgenesis:

"Taconic's ExpressMODEL® suite of technologies is designed to reduce the custom model generation timeline from project conception to study cohort without taking any shortcuts that compromise quality. Taconic provides a seamless end-to-end solution incorporating industry leading model generation, embryology, and colony management capabilities that allows your project to travel in the express lane."
Read the complete article at: fiercebiotech.com