Taconic Wins Technology in Production Award at Center for Economic Growth 13th Annual Technology Awards Luncheon

Hudson, New York — April 30, 2009 - Taconic, one of the largest laboratory rodent model providers in the world, was among the award winners at the Center for Economic Growth (CEG) 13th Annual Technology Awards Luncheon, held April 15, 2009 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center in Albany. Taconic received the Technology in Production Award for its innovative approach to producing new, custom generated mouse models that serve as critical tools in pharmaceutical research on human disease.

CEG is a regional economic and business development organization dedicated to attracting high-tech talent and companies and to providing innovative services to bolster local businesses in New York State's Capital Region and Tech Valley. Each year, CEG presents awards to area companies and business leaders in seven categories. The Technology in Production award recognizes a company that has developed or utilized new technology to significantly improve its product production processes.

"Custom-generated mouse models are essential research tools which biomedical scientists rely on in their quest to improve human health, enabling them to better understand disease and develop effective treatments," said Todd Little, Taconic President. "The CEG award recognizes Taconic's contribution to that vital mission through our use of technologies that dramatically reduce the time it takes to create and produce these important animal models."

Through a combination of in-house developed and acquired technology, Taconic has created a rapid, reliable process for the design and delivery of custom generated, genetically modified mouse models of human disease. Taconic's acquisition of Artemis, a company that specializes in creating very specific genetically engineered rodents, enabled it to reduce the traditional timeframe for generating custom models by 3 — 5 months. When combined with Taconic's streamlined, efficient breeding, and delivery processes, these technologies have allowed the company to reduce the total delivery time for custom generated rodent models by 9 — 11 months.

"By significantly reducing the total timeline from concept to delivery of a custom animal model in sufficient volume for critical studies, Taconic enables biomedical researchers worldwide to greatly accelerate their projects and bring new treatments to market faster," Little said.

About Taconic
Taconic Farms, Inc. was founded in 1952 as a family-owned business in New York's Hudson River Valley. Since then, the company has become one of the largest laboratory rodent providers in the world with a reputation for consistently producing high quality, well-defined rats and mice. Taconic's expertise in the custom design and generation of genetically modified mice, mouse and rat breeding, barrier systems, genetics, and animal health supports researchers focused on drug development using in vivo models. Taconic has six breeding facilities and three service laboratories in the USA and Europe, a staff of over 1,000, and a commitment to technological innovation.