Video: Genetic Background in Syngeneic Models

Philip Dubé, PhD
Friday, June 28th, 2019

Through this excerpt from Taconic Biosciences' Webinar, "Advanced Toolkit For Syngeneic Tumor Modeling in Mice," Dr. Philip Dubé considers the role of genetic background when identifying the proper syngeneic model as well as the importance of validating substrain and specific cell line.

Syngeneic models depend on the implanted tumor cell not being rejected by the immune system; it is crucial that cell lines are genetically matched to the host. The most critical aspect is that the tumor and the animal must be matched at the major and minor histocompatibility loci.

Tumor cell lines have been derived from a variety of inbred strains, the most common of which are:

What is the difference between C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N substrains?

These mice are genetically similar and well matched with respect to major and minor histocompatibility loci. Therefore, the transplantation of cells or tissues from any B6 substrain will be tolerated in any other B6 substrain.

However, there are genetic differences between these two substrains, which affect functions such as immunology and metabolism — and these may affect the subsequent growth of tumors and the response to therapeutic agents.

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