Who Owns CRISPR?

The Scientist details CRISPR/Cas system technology being utilized at Taconic Biosciences:

Who Owns CRISPR?"On April 15, 2014, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded the first patent for use the CRISPR/Cas system to edit eukaryotic genomes to Feng Zhang of the Broad Institute and MIT. Originally a bacterial or archaeal defense system that uses viral DNA inserted into the genome (CRISPR) as a guide to cut the genomic material of invading viruses with a CRISPR-associated enzyme (Cas), researchers have found many ways to turn the system into a potent and quick way to edit specific genetic sequences. Although there are a handful of other CRISPR-related patents, covering everything from the system's use in yogurt production to a potential treatment for Huntington's disease, Zhang's patent was the first to be granted that covers the technology itself as a platform for a wide array of applications."

Read the complete article at: The-Scientist.com