Understanding what germ-free mice are, the opportunities that they offer, and how you can obtain them will help you decide how best to incorporate these models into your research program.
The body is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms (the microbiome, consisting of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) which play major roles in health and disease. Axenic or germ-free mice, specially-raised animals devoid of all microorganisms, are increasingly powerful tools for biomedical research and drug discovery in the microbiome space.
What are Germ-free Mice?
Germ-free mice lack all microorganisms (as determined within the limitations of the detection methods available) and are housed in tightly controlled and monitored isolators to prevent contamination. They are microbiologically sterile; no living organisms can be cultured from germ-free mouse specimens. Strict husbandry protocols and stringent testing regimens are required to maintain and confirm the germ-free state.