HLA-A2.1 (CB6F1)

HLA-A2.1 Random Transgenic Mouse Model
  • Live
  • Mouse
  • Male & Female Available
  • Black Agouti
  • Available for direct purchase by CRO
  • Taconic Transgenic Model
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype
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Nomenclature: CB6F1-Map4k3Tg(HLA-A*0201/H2-Kb)A*0201/Tac

Orders by weight: Taconic cannot accept orders by weight for this model. Please note that shipments may contain animals with a larger weight variation.


The HLA-A2.1 model was generated by Pharmexa-Epimmune. The model was created by microinjecting a chimeric transgene combining a fragment of the genomic clone of the human HLA-A*0201 gene that included leader sequence, α1 and α2 domains ligated to a fragment of the murine H2-Kb gene containing the α3, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. This transgene was microinjected into C57BL/6J zygotes. The resultant mice from Founder Line A*0201 were on an inbred C57BL/6J background. Taconic received stock from Pharmexa-Epimmune in 2008. The line was embryo transfer derived, and the colony is maintained through breeding of homozygous males and females. In the production colony, wild type BALB/cAnNTac females are bred to homozygous males on the C57BL/6J background to produce CB6F1 pups, which are sold under model #9659.


Strain Type:F1 Hybrid
Allele Type:Constitutive Knockout;Random Transgenic;Genetically Humanized
Coat Color:Black Agouti
Genetic Background:CB6F1

Guides & Publications

Initial Publication: 

Vitiello A, Marchesini D, Furze J, Sherman LA, Chesnut RW. (1991) Analysis of the HLA-restricted influenza-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response in transgenic mice carrying a chimeric human-mouse class I major histocompatibility complex. J Exp Med 173(4):1007-15.

* This reference describes the transgene incorporated into line 9659. Pharmexa-Epimmune remade the line later directly onto B6/J zygotes. This is the mouse line that Taconic offers as Model # 9659.

Applications & Therapeutic Areas

  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Immunology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Oncology & Immuno-Oncology
  • Safety Assessment
  • Vaccine Research
  • Inflammation

Transit, Housing & Welfare

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Packing Practices

Taconic standard practice is to recombine animals of different home cages and/or ages from a single model and sex during packing, except in specific cases where Taconic's animal welfare policy prohibits recombination due to aggression or other concerns.  When an order is fulfilled with animals from more than one week of birth, this standard practice results in animals from a range of birth weeks packed together in a single TTC. When an order is fulfilled with animals from genotyped models, this standard practice results in animals from different home cages packed together in a single TTC.

Customers who wish to keep animals from different weeks of birth separated should place orders with the special instruction "Divide and label by age."  Note that this special request can result in increased costs for additional Taconic Transit Cages, dividers and/or freight charges.

Taconic discourages other types of custom packing requests as they can have a negative impact on animal welfare. Learn more.

Genetically Engineered Animal Models



HLA expression on spleen cells in HLA-A2.1 mice on two genetic backgrounds

Figure 1: Expression of HLA-A2.1 in model #s 8906 and 9659 was measured on spleen cells by flow cytometry using a pan-HLA-ABC antibody. Significant expression of HLA-A2.1 is seen in both models compared to a wild type C57BL/6 control. Model #8906, on a congenic C57BL/6 background, has similar expression between homozygous and hemizygous animals and between males and females. Expression levels are somewhat lower in hemizygous mice of model #9659, on a CB6F1 background, but are sufficient for experimental performance as detailed in many published references. Specific functional relevance of expression differences between models is unclear, and the choice of model for a particular experiment should include not just expression levels but also the role of Th1 vs Th2 immune response, whether a congenic background is required for use in syngeneic engraftment or adoptive cell transfer experiments and other factors.

HLA expression histogram for spleen cells in HLA-A2.1 mice on two genetic backgrounds

Figure 2: Histograms for HLA-A2.1 expression on spleen cells in representative animals, as measured using a pan-HLA-ABC antibody. Grey = wild type C57BL/6 control. Blue = three model #8906 hemizygous female mice (C57BL/6 background). Red = three model #9659 hemizygous female mice (CB6F1 background).

HLA-A2.1 (CB6F1)

Conditions of Use for Taconic Transgenic Models™

Taconic Transgenic Models™ (Models) are produced and distributed under rights to patents and intellectual property licensed from various institutions. Taconic sells the Models to purchasers, grants to each purchaser a right under Taconic's rights in such licensed patents and intellectual property to use the purchased Model in consideration of purchasers' acknowledgement of and agreement to the Terms and Conditions for Taconic Models, Products and Services and the following terms of use:

  • Title to these Models and biological materials derived from them remains with Taconic.
  • The Models will be used for research purposes only.
  • The Models will not be bred or cross-bred except to obtain embryos or fetuses required for research purposes unless additional rights have been granted in writing by Taconic.
  • The Models and biological materials derived from them will not be distributed to third parties or used for commercial purposes.
  • Non-profit purchasers may not use this Model and/or biological materials derived from it in sponsored research or contract research studies unless it is purchased at the for-profit price.

Pricing - USD

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

9659 Female

9659-F Genotype tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 $ 425.00

9659 Male

9659-M Genotype tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 2-4 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 $ 425.00

Pricing - EUR

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

9659 Female

9659-F Genotype tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 387,00 €

9659 Male

9659-M Genotype tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 2-4 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 387,00 €

Pricing - USD Nonprofit

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

9659 Female

9659-F Genotype tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 $ 250.00

9659 Male

9659-M Genotype tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 2-4 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 $ 250.00

Pricing - EUR Nonprofit

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

9659 Female

9659-F Genotype tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 228,00 €

9659 Male

9659-M Genotype tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 2-4 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 10 228,00 €

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