HLA-B7 (C;B6)

HLA-B7 (C;B6) Constitutive Knockout /Random Transgenic Mouse Model
  • Live
  • Mouse
  • Male & Female Available
  • Black Agouti
  • Available for direct purchase by CRO
  • Taconic Transgenic Model
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype
9661-FC;B6-B2mtm1Unc Tg(B2M)55Hpl Tg(HLA-B*0702/H2-Kb)B7.xxko/wt;tg/wt;tg/wt
9661-MC;B6-B2mtm1Unc Tg(B2M)55Hpl Tg(HLA-B*0702/H2-Kb)B7.xxko/wt;tg/wt;tg/wt
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Nomenclature: C;B6-B2mtm1Unc Tg(B2M)55Hpl Tg(HLA-B*0702/H2-Kb)B7.xx


  • Carries a transgene consisting of fragments of the human HLA-B*0702 gene and mouse H2-Kb gene which encodes a chimeric class I molecule consisting of the human HLA-B7 leader, α1 and α2 domains ligated to the murine α3, transmembrane and cytoplasmic H2-Kb domains
  • Expresses the chimeric HLA-B7 class I molecule on the surface of T and B cells
  • Represents the human HLA-B7 supertype
  • Useful for infectious disease research, vaccine development and testing, safety and immunogenicity testing as well as research directed towards oncology and autoimmune disorders
  • Permits identification of epitopes restricted to the HLA-B7 supertype
  • Taconic offers this allele on two different backgrounds, CB6F1 and C57BL/6. Model #9659 is on a CB6F1 background and is recommended for most applications, including vaccine research and general epitope identification. The HLA-B7 (C57BL/6), model #8908, is recommended specifically for syngeneic tumor studies utilizing C57BL/6-derived tumors and for crossbreeding to other GEM lines on the C57BL/6 background (inquire regarding crossbreeding rights).
  • The Tg(B2M)55Hpl transgene integrated as a multi copy array in a gene desert region on chr 3. The associated genomic deletion spans ~11 Kb and does not affect any coding region.
Orders by weight: Taconic cannot accept orders by weight for this model. Please note that shipments may contain animals with a larger weight variation.


The HLA-B7 model was generated by Pharmexa-Epimmune. The model was created by microinjecting a chimeric transgene combining a fragment of the cDNA clone of the human HLA-B*0702 gene that included leader sequence, α1 and α2 domains ligated to a fragment of the murine H2-Kb gene containing the α3, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Sequencing indicates that the model contains the CAG promoter rather than the H-2Ld promoter described in the literature. From a functional perspective, the CAG promoter is expected to drive strong, ubiquitous expression, which may mimic the expression pattern of human class I HLA proteins on the surface of most nucleated cells. This transgene was microinjected into CxB6 zygotes. The resultant mice from Founder Line B7.xx were on backcrossed four generations to C57BL/6J. They were then crossed onto murine B2m knockout/human B2m microinjected line from Chella David at Mayo. This crossbred line was backcrossed two additional generations to C57BL/6J and then bred to homozygosity for all three genes. Taconic received stock from Pharmexa-Epimmune in 2008. The line was embryo transfer derived. SNP testing showed that the line was not congenic, and so additional backcrosses were initiated. The line was then intracrossed to homozygosity for all three genes. In the production colony, wild type BALB/cAnNTac females are bred to triple homozygous males on the B6 background to produce CB6F1 pups.

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