Wild Mouse Microbiome

Mice reconstituted with the Wild Mouse Microbiome (“WildR”) are powerful tools for drug discovery researchers. The Taconic WildR toolkit enables investigators to increase the robustness and translatability of preclinical results by providing a natural and reproducible microbiome.

The defined and proven wild mouse microbiome can be paired with a suite of service options that support use in local laboratories. The Taconic wild mouse microbiome is fully characterized, licensed, and has been successfully validated in multiple research studies.

Digestive Tract

Wild Mouse Microbiome (WildR) Toolkit

The wild mouse microbiome (WildR) was licensed from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) by Taconic in 2018. While some research focus has revolved around eradicating microbial species from the intestines, the wild mouse microbiome provides insight into how the host responds to various diseases and treatments naturally. Researchers are then able to compare the results obtained from their studies with this microbiome to germ-free and specific defined flora mice to study the collective effects of different commensal bacteria. This microbiota profile does not contain any pathogenic species. However, it does contain Helicobacter spp. and common non-pathogenic protozoa commonly found in the wild mouse microbiome. The original list of species can be found here.

  • Recent data published in Science by Lo et al. demonstrate that studies using mice harboring the wild mouse gut microbiota better predict therapeutic efficacy and clinical side effects of a CTLA-4 immune checkpoint blockade (ICB)    
  • Mice hosting the wild mouse microbiome develop a more complete and mature immune system compared to standard laboratory mice
  • Enables discovery of novel microbiome-based therapies that cannot be studied in conventional laboratory mice lacking a diverse gut microbiota  
  • May reduce risk and increase the success rate of transitioning from preclinical to clinical programs
  • Avoid false-negative and false-positive results that could derail drug discovery 
  • Advances the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) of laboratory animal research: reduces the need to recapitulate data in multiple genetic backgrounds, and provides an alternative approach to using non-human primates for measuring the influence of the microbiome in therapeutic outcomes 
  • Increase reproducibility and consistency of data produced from multiple strains, vendors, and research institutions
  • The wild mouse microbiome increases the translational relevance of studies by providing a more natural and replicative system suitable for evaluating immuno-oncology drugs, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), infectious disease, and probiotic therapies


Services and Pricing

WildR Service PackagesIncluded Terms and ServicesDeliverablesNon-Profit PriceFor-Profit Price
Package 1
  • 3-year license for wild mouse microbiome
  • Includes 2 vials frozen microbiota material
  • Terms of Sale Agreement
  • 2 x 1-mL size vials of frozen microbiota material (sufficient for fecal microbiota transplantation to 8-10 mice)
Package 2
  • 3-year license for wild mouse microbiome
  • Fecal microbiota transplantation to 3 male and 3 female germ-free mice
  • Terms of Sale Agreement
  • 3 male and 3 female WildR mice
    (6-12 weeks of age)
Package 3
  • 3-year license for wild mouse microbiome
  • Fecal microbiota transplantation to 3 male and 3 female germ-free mice and breeding setup in isolator
  • Weaning of WildR offspring
  • PCR-based health testing
  • Terms of Sale Agreement
  • 3 male and 3 female WildR mice
    (18-24 weeks of age)
  • ~ 6-18 offspring of WildR mice (6-12 weeks of age)
  • Health Report

Metagenomic Data

TRUBiome Figure 5

Health Report

Below is a representative health report generated from IDEXX PCR organismal detection in fecal samples collected from WildR mice produced on the C57BL/6 genetic background. Customers purchasing Package 3 should expect a similar health profile and report with WildR mouse deliverables.

Test OrganismTest MethodTest Result
Aspiculuris tetrapteraPCR-
Beta hemolytic Streptococcus Group APCR-
Beta hemolytic Streptococcus Group BPCR-
Beta hemolytic Streptococcus Group CPCR-
Beta hemolytic Streptococcus Group GPCR-
Bordetella bronchisepticaPCR-
Bordetella pseudohinzii/hinziiPCR-
Campylobacter spPCR-
Cilia Associated Respiratory Bacillus (CARB)PCR-
Citrobacter rodentiumPCR-
Clostridium piliformePCR-
Corynebacterium bovisPCR-
Corynebacterium kutscheriPCR-
Cryptosporidium sppPCR-
Demodex musculiPCR-
Encephalomyelitis (TMEV)PCR-
Encephalitozoon cuniculiPCR-
Entamoeba murisPCR-
Giardia muris PCRPCR-
Helicobacter spp.PCR+
Helicobacter bilisPCR-
Helicobacter ganmaniPCR+
Helicobacter hepaticusPCR+
Helicobacter mastomyrinusPCR-
Helicobacter rodentiumPCR-
Helicobacter typhloniusPCR-
K virusPCR-
Klebsiella oxytocaPCR-
Klebsiella pneumoniaePCR-
Minute Virus of Mice (MVM)PCR-
Mouse Adenovirus I and II (FL and K87)PCR-
Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHV)PCR-
Mouse Parvovirus (MPV)PCR-
Mouse Rotavirus (EDIM)PCR-
Murine Norovirus (MNV)PCR-
Mycoplasma pulmonisPCR-
Rodentibacter pneumotropicusPCR-
Rodentibacter heyliiPCR-
Pneumocystis spp.PCR-
Proteus mirabilisPCR-
Pseudomonas aeruginosaPCR-
Salmonella spp.PCR-
Sin Nombre virusMFI-
Spironucleus murisPCR-
Staphylococcus aureusPCR-
Staphylococcus xylosusPCR-
Streptobacillus moniliformisPCR-
Streptococcus pneumoniaePCR-
Swab for Fur MitePCR-
Syphacia murisPCR-
Syphacia obvelataPCR-
Tritrichomonas murisPCR-


The composition and diversity of the microbiota can vary across individual WildR mice and also shift over generations. However, since Taconic obtained the wild mouse microbiome from the NIDDK, we have observed general stability of microbial diversity over at least the first two generations when the wild mouse microbiome is applied to germ-free mice. 16S and shotgun metagenomic sequencing data is available upon request.

Murine and human pathogenic organisms have not been detected in WildR mice generated at Taconic and they do not harbor organisms on the exclusion list for Taconic’s Murine Pathogen FreeTM (MPFTM) health standard except for Helicobacter species.

For Package 3 only, fecal pellets from WildR mice are tested for pathogenic organisms using IDEXX PCR-based detection and a health report is provided. An example health report on WildR mice generated a C57BL/6 genetic background can be found here.

For Packages 2 and 3, germ free C57BL/6, BALB/c and Swiss Webster are available for fecal microbiota transplantation of wild mouse microbiota. Other strains such as Il10 knockout lines are also available but require custom licensing terms and a TruBIOME® project format.

The presence of Helicobacter species in WildR mice can present obstacles to standard shipping procedures. Shipping of live WildR mice usually requires specialty handling and dedicated transport separate from other animal deliveries. Depending on the destination location and situation, costs could reach more than $1000 and should be factored into the overall budget.

Yes. Package 1 includes cryopreserved wild mouse ileocecal collection material that can be utilized for oral gavage in a customer’s own facility. After purchasing a wild mouse microbiome license, additional vials of frozen material can also be purchased when needed.

The wild mouse microbiome terms of service do not restrict the genetic background or strain on which the wild mouse microbiota can be applied. However, the customer should conduct their own freedom to operate analysis on mouse lines they intend to use and if it is permitted to modify them with the wild mouse microbiome.

Three (3) years from signing of a terms of sale agreement.

Terms of Sale

To purchase this model, sign the Terms of Sale (choose from the list below) and email it directly to legal.department@taconic.com:

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