FcResolv® NOG-EXL

FcResolv™ NOG Mouse Model
  • Live
  • Mouse
  • Male & Female Available
  • Albino
  • Available for direct purchase by CRO
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype

NOD.Cg-Fcgr2btm1Ttk Fcer1gtm1Rav Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Sug Tg(SV40/HTLV-IL3,CSF2)10-7Jic/JicTac


NOD.Cg-Fcgr2btm1Ttk Fcer1gtm1Rav Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Sug Tg(SV40/HTLV-IL3,CSF2)10-7Jic/JicTac

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Murine Fc gamma (Fcγ) receptor knockout in the NOG-EXL mouse provides a more accurate assessment of your antibody-based drug efficacy.

Nomenclature: NOD.Cg-Fcgr2btm1Ttk Fcer1gtm1Rav Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Sug Tg(SV40/HTLV-IL3,CSF2)10-7Jic/JicTac

  • The FcResolv® NOG-EXL is a super immunodeficient NOG mouse that expresses human GM-CSF and IL-3 cytokines and has a further reduction in residual murine immune activity via ablation of mouse Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) to reduce murine immune cell interactions with antibody-based drugs
  • This model can be used in a similar fashion to the NOG-EXL mouse, including for xenograft and immune system humanization experiments
  • Murine FcγRs can confound experiments in several ways, leading to false positive or negative results. Removing murine FcγRs provides improved accuracy for efficacy assessment of antibody-based therapies which include an Fc domain. 
    • Lacks all murine FcγRs, including the FcγRI, IIB, III and IV types, along with the high affinity FcεRI receptor. The low affinity FcεRII receptor remains present.
  • The NOG-EXL model was designed to express relatively low cytokine levels, which maintains the long-term stability of engraftment by preventing the exhaustion of the stem cell pool. This stability makes it a flexible platform for the generation of humanized mice.
    • Supports myeloid lineage engraftment through human IL-3 and GM-CSF cytokine expression
    • More efficient CD34+ human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) engraftment
    • Higher levels of myeloid cell differentiation following human HSC engraftment
    • Low cytokine expression and successful long-term HSC engraftment
    • NOG-EXL mice are a superior host for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient-derived xenografts. 
  • Research applications include the generation of humanized mouse models, oncology, infectious disease, and regenerative medicine.

Orders by weight: Taconic cannot accept orders by weight for this model. Please note that shipments may contain animals with a larger weight variation.

Download the Taconic Biosciences Infographic:

FcResolv™ NOG Mouse Models Are Specifically Designed to Reduce False Positives and Negatives Mediated by Mouse Fc Gamma Receptors in Studies Using Antibody-Based Drugs

See how the FcResolv NOG-EXL mouse reduces experimental confounders.



Available now*
*Please note that advanced order placement is encouraged for male mice. Ordering 4 or more weeks prior to the desired shipping date is recommended when requesting males older than 3 weeks of age.


The FcResolv NOG-EXL mouse was developed by Taconic Biosciences. The Fcer1gtm1Rav mutation was developed in the laboratory of J.V. Ravetch, Sloan-Kettering Institute. The Fcgr2btm1Ttk mutation was developed in the laboratory of T. Takai of Okayama University. These two mutations were backcrossed onto the CIEA NOG mouse®, and the resulting FcResolv NOG mouse was crossed to the NOG-EXL strain to generate the FcResolv NOG-EXL strain. The mice are maintained by breeding females homozygous for the Fcer1gtm1Rav, Fcgr2btm1Ttk, Prkdcscid and Il2rgtm1Sug mutant alleles with males that are homozygous for the Fcer1gtm1Rav, Fcgr2btm1Ttk, Prkdcscid alleles and hemizygous for the Il2rgtm1Sug mutant allele and hGM-CSF/hIL-3 transgene or females homozygous for the Fcer1gtm1Rav, Fcgr2btm1Ttk, Prkdcscid and Il2rgtm1Sug mutant alleles and hemizygous for the hGM-CSF/hIL-3 transgene by males homozygous for the Fcer1gtm1Rav, Fcgr2btm1Ttk, Prkdcscid alleles and hemizygous for the Il2rgtm1Sug mutant allele.

FcResolv® refers to a United States trademark registration.


Species: Mouse
Strain Type: Congenic
Allele Type: Constitutive Knockout,Spontaneous Mutant,Random Transgenic,Genetically Humanized
Coat Color: Albino
Genetic Background: NOD

Applications & Therapeutic Areas

  • Oncology & Immuno-Oncology
  • Immunology
  • Inflammation
  • Cell and Tissue Humanized
  • Infectious Disease

Transit, Housing & Welfare

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Packing Practices

Taconic standard practice is to recombine animals of different home cages and/or ages from a single model and sex during packing, except in specific cases where Taconic's animal welfare policy prohibits recombination due to aggression or other concerns.  When an order is fulfilled with animals from more than one week of birth, this standard practice results in animals from a range of birth weeks packed together in a single TTC. When an order is fulfilled with animals from genotyped models, this standard practice results in animals from different home cages packed together in a single TTC.

Customers who wish to keep animals from different weeks of birth separated should place orders with the special instruction "Divide and label by age."  Note that this special request can result in increased costs for additional Taconic Transit Cages, dividers and/or freight charges.

Taconic discourages other types of custom packing requests as they can have a negative impact on animal welfare. Learn more.



Fig 1. Juvenile female FcResolv NOG-EXL and NOG-EXL mice were myeloablated and engrafted with CD34+ human hematopoietic cells using the same three donors in both strains. Chimerism was assessed via flow cytometry in peripheral blood at 10 weeks post-engraftment.


Fig 2. Juvenile female FcResolv NOG-EXL mice were myeloablated and engrafted with CD34+ human hematopoietic cells from three donors. Human myeloid cells (hCD33+) were assessed via flow cytometry in peripheral blood at 10 weeks post-engraftment. Animals which failed QC (≥25% chimerism at 10 WPE) are not shown.

FcResolv® NOG-EXL

Nonprofit users (excluding users at nonprofit foundations which are affiliated with a for-profit entity): For internal research purposes, the CIEA NOG mouse® Conditions of Use for nonprofit users apply. If you wish to perform sponsored research or fee-for-service contract research using the CIEA NOG mouse®, please inquire for access conditions.

For-profit users and users at foundations which are affiliated with for-profit entities: The CIEA NOG mouse® Conditions of Use for for-profit users apply.

The CIEA NOG mouse® is produced and distributed under license rights to the following patents and trademarks:

  • Japanese Patent No. 3,753,321
  • US Patent No. 7,145,055; 5,464,764; 5,487,992; 5,627,059; 5,631,153; 5,789,215; 6,204,061; 6,653,113; 6,689,610
    EP Patent No. 1,338,198
  • Japanese Trademark Reg. No. 4,823,423
  • US Trademark Reg. No. 3,118,040
  • EU Trademark Reg. No. 3,736,758

Pricing - USD

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

21552 Female

21552-F Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/ko;tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 $ 376.00

21552 Male

21552-M Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/y;tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 4-8 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 $ 263.00

Pricing - EUR

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

21552 Female

21552-F Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/ko;tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 342,00 €

21552 Male

21552-M Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/y;tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 4-8 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 239,00 €

Pricing - USD Nonprofit

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

21552 Female

21552-F Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/ko;tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 $ 178.00

21552 Male

21552-M Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/y;tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 4-8 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 $ 159.00

Pricing - EUR Nonprofit

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

21552 Female

21552-F Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/ko;tg/wt

Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 162,00 €

21552 Male

21552-M Genotype ko/ko;ko/ko;sp/sp;ko/y;tg/wt

Cohorts are reserved upon order placement and will take 4-8 weeks to fulfill. An estimated lead time will be provided to you within 2-3 business days.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 10 145,00 €

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