NCr nude

NCr nude Spontaneous Mutant Mouse Model
  • Live
  • Mouse
  • Male & Female Available
  • Albino
  • Albino Nude
  • Available for direct purchase by CRO
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype
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Nomenclature: CrTac:NCr-Foxn1nu

  • Outbred background originated from an accidental cross between the BALB/c inbred nude and NIH(S) outbred nude mice
  • The standard athymic model for National Cancer Institute (NCI) studies as well as many pharmaceutical and institutional oncology screening programs
  • The autosomal recessive nude gene in homozygous (sp/sp) mice causes the lack of fur and an abnormal thymus. The deficiency in T cell function allows athymic mice to accept and grow xenografts as well as allografts of normal and malignant tissues.
  • Heterozygous (sp/wt) mice carry only one copy of the nude mutation and have hair. Heterozygous nudes were originally thought to have normal immune systems, but in fact have immune alterations such as reduced bone marrow stem cells and lower thymus weights. Heterozygous nudes may thus not be appropriate for use as sentinels. They may be used in PK/dosing studies.
  • Paralysis does seem to be a phenotype of NCR nude mice, however in measuring this phenotype in our colonies it is present in less than .04%


Taconic received the NCr nude Spontaneous mutant model from NCI in 1993 after several years of random breeding. The mice were derived by hysterectomy to achieve germ-free status prior to introduction into Restricted Flora™ IBU™ colonies. These mice have both BALB/c inbred and NIH(S) outbred stock in their genetic background.


Strain Type:Outbred or Mixed
Allele Type:Spontaneous Mutant
Coat Color:Albino nude;Albino
Coat Color Loci: Tyrc
Genetic Background:NCr
Coat Color Loci: Tyrc

Guides & Publications

Applications & Therapeutic Areas

  • Cell and Tissue Humanized
  • Immunology
  • Inflammation
  • Oncology & Immuno-Oncology

Transit, Housing & Welfare

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NCRNU males are packed as cagemates, without recombination of animals from different cages into a single Taconic Transit Cage (TTC). We recommend that customers do NOT recombine NCRNU males from different Taconic Transit Cages into the same cage at or after unpacking.

Packing Practices

Taconic standard practice is to recombine animals of different home cages and/or ages from a single model and sex during packing, except in specific cases where Taconic's animal welfare policy prohibits recombination due to aggression or other concerns.  When an order is fulfilled with animals from more than one week of birth, this standard practice results in animals from a range of birth weeks packed together in a single TTC. When an order is fulfilled with animals from genotyped models, this standard practice results in animals from different home cages packed together in a single TTC.

Customers who wish to keep animals from different weeks of birth separated should place orders with the special instruction "Divide and label by age."  Note that this special request can result in increased costs for additional Taconic Transit Cages, dividers and/or freight charges.

Taconic discourages other types of custom packing requests as they can have a negative impact on animal welfare. Learn more.


Average litter size: 8
NCRNU Physiological Data Summary (March 2004; N=10/group):

ParameterUnitsNCR Nude MalesNCR Nude Females
Serum ChemistryAvg ± S.D.   
Calciummg/dL9.8 ± 0.410.6 ± 0.6
Phosphorousmg/dL9.9 ± 1.09.6 ± 0.9
Glucosemg/dL119 ± 1791 ± 14
Creatininemg/dL0.2 ± 0.10.2 ± 0.0
BUNmg/dL20 ± 325 ± 6
Total Bilirubinmg/dL0.1 ± 0.00.1 ± 0.0
ALKU/L259 ± 41247 ± 41
ALT U/LU/L53 ± 1469 ± 43
Total Proteing/dL5.9 ± 0.75.6 ± 0.2
Blood Counts
Red Blood CellsX10^6/uL10.01 ± 0.459.954 ± 0.387
Nucleated RBCX10^6/uL0 ± 00 ± 0
Hemoglobing/dL16.3 ± 0.616.0 ± 0.4
Hematocrit%51.1 ± 1.950.8 ± 1.4
MCVfL51 ± 151 ± 1
MCHpG16.3 ± 0.416.1 ± 0.3
MCHC%31.8 ± 0.631.4 ± 0.4
PlateletsX10^3/uL819 ± 327897 ± 81
White Blood Cellsx10^3/uL5.0 ± 1.65.431 ± 1.901
Neutrophilx10^3/uL2.287 ± 0.8512.037 ± 1.323
Bandsx10^3/uL0 ± 00 ± 0
Lymphocytex10^3/uL2.603 ± 1.0413.169 ± 0.989
Monocytesx10^3/uL0.087 ± 0.0980.139 ± 0.181
Eosinophilx10^3/uL0.023 ± 0.0400.082 ± 0.158
Basophilsx10^3/uL0 ± 00.0034 ± 0.0107
Othersx10^3/uL0 ± 00 ± 0
Organ Weights   
Stomachg0.200 ± 0.0230.186 ± 0.019
Ileumg0.737 ± 0.1130.628 ± 0.087
Colong0.200 ± 0.0440.186 ± 0.030
Lungsg0.228 ± 0.0140.196 ± 0.023
Heartg0.186 ± 0.0370.161 ± 0.028
Liverg1.200 ± 0.0671.014 ± 0.111
Spleen/Pancreasg0.222 ± 0.0250.202 ± 0.056
Kidney (L)g0.207 ± 0.0240.140 ± 0.017
Kidney (R)g0.205 ± 0.0230.146 ± 0.024
Testes (L)g0.101 ± 0.011-
Testes (R)g0.104 ± 0.010-
Ovary (L)g-0.017 ± 0.005
Ovary (R)g-0.013 ± 0.006
Ph-6.050 ± 0.1586.200 ± 0.258
Specific Gravity-1.029 ± 0.0021.028 ± 0.003

Phenotyping Procedures:

Animal Receipt and Maintenance

A quantity of twenty mice (ten males and ten females) was submitted for testing, strain identified as Line NCR Nude (CrTac:NCR-Foxn1nu), age 7 weeks. Mice were received at RBU 3, Taconic Biotechnology, Albany NY and acclimated for three days on irradiated NIH #31M rodent diet and sterilized water ad lib, sterile contact bedding (paper chip) and a 12:12 light:dark cycle. All animals appeared normal during this period and routine health surveillance of this colony detected no microbial pathogens. Mice were assigned study unique identification numbers (males 1-10, females 11-20).



All mice were fasted in metabolic cages and an overnight urine sample was collected. Urine analysis was performed using Multistix 10 SG (Bayer). Strips were read and recorded as per the manufacturer's instructions, and the results are presented in Table 2.


Clinical Chemistry and Hematology

A terminal blood sample was taken from Carbon Dioxide - anesthetized mice via cardiac puncture. The collected blood was divided into two samples. One sample was treated with EDTA and stored at 4°C for hematological evaluation. Another sample was allowed to clot at 4°C for 30 minutes, and then centrifuged at 7000rpm for 10 minutes, and the serum was decanted and frozen at -80°C for clinical chemistry analysis. A slide smear was made from a single drop of whole blood. Frozen serum, chilled whole blood and slides were delivered to LabCorp (RTP, NC) for analysis; the results are presented in Table 3. Unless otherwise indicated, serum chemistry data is generated from a Hitachi 717 automated analyzer and hematological data is generated from a Celldyne 3500. WBC differential counts are performed manually.


Necropsy and Organ Weights

All mice were euthanized and bodyweights were recorded. Representative tissues were collected, weighed, and immersion fixed in 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin. Tissues were delivered to the Taconic lab for histological preparation and evaluation. Tabulation of organ weights is presented in Table 4. The pathologist's summary and detailed histological descriptions follow.



All animals were thrifty on arrival and appeared clinically normal. Locomotor behavior was normal and there were no visible lesions or discharges at the mucous membranes. All tissues appeared normal on gross necropsy evaluation and weights were within normal limits. There were no unusual findings upon collection of these tissues nor otherwise observed in the body cavities.

The overall profile of these mice is consistent with expectations of a general-purpose mouse. None of the parameters are indicative of impaired system function.

For some applications, weight may be critical. For orders where weight is critical, please place orders by weight, not by age. Taconic can accept orders by weight for this model. For orders sourced from US or Denmark a production minimum 3 gram span is accepted. All weights are weights at time of packing. Mice and rats can lose weight in transit. Orders for specific weight spans will be assessed a nominal fee. More detail on weight order policies is available.

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n= 250 per sex at RF health standards from US colonies. Data collected 2013-15.
High and Low represent mean +/- 2 standard deviations.
Based on sample size the charts above represents ~75% of the population.
All growth curves represent animals housed in our barriers, at our standard density and fed NIH31-M diet. Variations at customer facilities will alter expected growth curves.
Growth charts are provided only as a guide, if a specific weight criteria is needed please order animals by weight.

Customize this chart by clicking the legend elements.


Terms of Sale and Use for NCr nude

These models are sold subject to Taconic's Terms and Conditions for Taconic's Models, Products and Services

Pricing - USD

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

NCRNU Female

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 99Quantity 100 - 999
5 to 7$90.00$84.00
8 to 9$96.00$88.00

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9$53.00

Specialized Inventory

NCRNU-FLQuantity 1 - 199
Female With Litter$578.00

Specialized Inventory

NCRNU-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female$526.00

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.


NCRNU-M Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 99Quantity 100 - 999
5 to 7$90.00$84.00
8 to 9$96.00$88.00

NCRNU-M Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9$53.00

Pricing - EUR

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

NCRNU Female

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
5 to 7€111,00
8 to 9€125,00

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9€54,00


NCRNU-M Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
5 to 7€111,00
8 to 9€125,00

NCRNU-M Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9€54,00

Pricing - USD Nonprofit

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

NCRNU Female

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 99Quantity 100 - 999
5 to 7$81.00$74.00
8 to 9$87.00$79.00

NCRNU-F Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9$47.00


NCRNU-M Genotype sp/sp

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 99Quantity 100 - 999
5 to 7$81.00$74.00
8 to 9$87.00$79.00

NCRNU-M Genotype sp/wt

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 to 9$47.00

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Smart Select Program

Trial an Animal Model for Quality & Compatibility Assurance

As longtime facilitators of animal-based research, we understand the importance of aligning your project goals and procurement priorities to support advancements in your research. 

  • Evaluate a specific model strain, before making any financial investment
  • Request up to 20 animals from one of the strains listed below, to test for quality, consistency, and suitability for your experimental purpose
  • Enjoy free ground shipping, where applicable (see table for more details)*