Black 6 (B6)—C57BL/6NTac Mouse Model

Commonly referred to as B6 | Also known as: B6NTac, C57BL/6, Black 6, C57

The Black 6 (B6) mouse model is one of the most reliable and consistent inbred strains used in biomedical research. Known for its uniform genetic makeup, the C57BL/6 strain is ideal for researchers who require highly reproducible results across experiments. Whether you’re exploring drug efficacy, genetic disorders, or disease pathways, this strain provides the consistency that modern research demands.

  • Live
  • Mouse
  • Male & Female Available
  • Black
  • Available for direct purchase by CRO
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype
black lab mouse close-up isolated on white background
Select One

Overview of Black 6 Mouse

Nomenclature: C57BL/6NTac


Taconic's B6 Provides Superior Performance

One of the most used inbred mouse models, the C57BL/6 is used in nearly every research application, and it's commonly used as the genetic background for transgenic mouse models. It is also the preferred model for studying diet-induced obesity and the chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis.

  • Popular research applications include oncology, immunology, metabolic disease, addiction and toxicology
  • C57BL/6NTac is the preferred C57BL/6 substrain for generation of genetically engineered models, including by the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) and International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)
  • The Taconic B6 has superior reproductive performance compared to other B6 substrains: superovulated females yield a high number of embryos and males have higher sperm fertilization rates
  • The Taconic C57BL/6NTac has proven more amenable to the development of quality embryonic stem cells compared to other B6 substrains
  • Popular strain for syngeneic tumor experiments; with a suite of related strains on the same background for mechanistic studies including Rag2, Rag2/OT-I, Rag2/OT-II and many more
  • Historical data shows that hydrocephaly occurs in the C57BL/6 mouse in 0.05% of the population and may not be evident until the animal is more than two months of age


C57BL/6 litters were received in 1991 at F151 from the NIH Animal Genetic Resource. Cesarean derived in 1991 at Taconic, a foundation colony is maintained in gnotobiotic isolators. Origin is as follows: to NIH in 1951 from Jax at F32; to Jax in 1948 from Hall.

B6 Genetics

Strain Type:Inbred
Coat Color:Black
Coat Color Loci: a/a, B/B, C/C
Genetic Background:C57BL/6
Coat Color Loci: a/a, B/B, C/C

Other Genetic Notes:

  • Strain Profile: Acy1f, Aladb, Car2a, Cas1g, Cd5b, Cd72b, Cd8ab, Cd8b1b, Ce2a, Es1a, Es3a, Esda, Ggc1b, Gpi1b, Gus-sb, H6pd1b, Hbaa, Hbbs, Hc1, Idh1a, Mod1b, Mup1b, Pep3a, Pgm1a, Trfb
  • Immunology: H2b, Ptprcb, Thy1b, H2-T18b
  • Retinal Degeneration: Crb1Rd8

Black 6 Mice Applications & Therapeutic Areas

  • Microbiome
  • Model Generation Solutions
  • Neuroscience
  • Oncology & Immuno-Oncology
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Transgenic Model Generation Support
  • Vaccine Research
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Immunology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Inflammation
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Metabolic Disease

Transit, Housing & Welfare

Need more info? Click the live chat button or Contact Us

B6 males at 7+ weeks of age are packed as cagemates, without recombination of animals from different cages into a single Taconic Transit Cage (TTC). We recommend that customers do NOT recombine 7+ week old B6 males from different Taconic Transit Cages into the same cage at or after unpacking. 

Packing Practices

Taconic standard practice is to recombine animals of different home cages and/or ages from a single model and sex during packing, except in specific cases where Taconic's animal welfare policy prohibits recombination due to aggression or other concerns.  When an order is fulfilled with animals from more than one week of birth, this standard practice results in animals from a range of birth weeks packed together in a single TTC. When an order is fulfilled with animals from genotyped models, this standard practice results in animals from different home cages packed together in a single TTC.

Customers who wish to keep animals from different weeks of birth separated should place orders with the special instruction "Divide and label by age."  Note that this special request can result in increased costs for additional Taconic Transit Cages, dividers and/or freight charges.

Taconic discourages other types of custom packing requests as they can have a negative impact on animal welfare. Learn more.

B6 Mouse Diet

Animal Aging


Special Diet Administration


Surgical Models and Services



Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6NTac mice

Chart demonstrates disease incidence percentage based on 5 various groups
Representative data for Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6NTac provided by Biomodels. Download the full data package.
Historical data shows that hydrocephaly occurs in the C57BL/6 mouse in 0.05% of the population and may not be evident until the animal is more than two months of age.

C57BL/6NTac substrains carry the Crb1Rd8 mutation.Retinal degeneration 8, is a mild form of retinal degeneration that affects vision. This recessive mutation is a single base pair mutation in the Crb1 gene, Crb1Rd8 (Mehalow et al. 2003) The onset of the phenotype appears to be between 2 and 6 weeks of age (Pritchett-Corning, 2012).

C57BL/6J mice present a deletion (~17 Kbp) in the Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase (Nnt) gene. Nnt is a transmembrane protein that catalyzes the inter conversion of NADH and NADPH in the mitochondria. Studies suggest that the presence of Nnt is essential for mitochondrial defense against oxidative stress and for normal cellular metabolism (Huang et al. 2006). Taconic’s C57BL mice, including C57BL/6JBomTac, C57BL/6NTac and C57BL/10SgSnAiTac, or our B6D2F1 and B6129F1, do not carry the Nnt mutation which is present in C57BL/6J sub-strain.

Reproductive Data

  • Average litter size: 6-8
  • Mean # litters/female: 7
  • Mean age breeder retired: 10 months
  • Mean # days to litter: 22

For some applications, weight may be critical. For orders where weight is critical, please place orders by weight, not by age. Taconic can accept orders by weight for this model. For orders sourced from US or Denmark a production minimum 3 gram span is accepted. All weights are weights at time of packing. Mice and rats can lose weight in transit. Orders for specific weight spans will be assessed a nominal fee. More detail on weight order policies is available.

This chart is best viewed in landscape mode.
Please rotate your screen.


n = 500 per sex at MPF, RF and EF health standards from all global colonies. GF mice will typically weigh slightly less than the weights above.
High and low represents mean +/- 2 standard deviations
Based on sample size, the charts above represent ~90% of the population.
All growth curves represent animals housed in our barriers, at our standard density and fed NIH31-M diet. Variations at customer facilities will alter expected growth curves.
Growth charts are provided only as a guide, if a specific weight criteria is needed please order animals by weight.

Customize this chart by clicking the legend elements. 


Terms of Sale and Use for Black 6 (B6NTac)

Germ Free Black 6 are sold subject to Taconic's Terms and Conditions for Taconic's Models, Products and Services and the following terms of use:

  • For-profit purchasers may not breed Germ Free Black 6 except to obtain embryos or fetuses for research use.
  • Non-profit purchasers may breed Germ Free Black 6 for use in projects at purchaser's institution and on behalf of non-profit researchers only.
  • Germ Free Black 6, progeny and materials derived from them will not be distributed to third parties.
Murine Pathogen Free™, Restricted Flora™, and Opportunist Free Black 6 mice are sold subject to Taconic's Terms and Conditions for Taconic's Models, Products and Services.

Pricing - USD

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 $ 55.00
5 to 6 $ 69.00
7 to 8 $ 80.00
9 to 10 $ 89.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 87.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female $ 524.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female $ 87.00

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 $ 55.00
5 to 6 $ 69.00
7 to 8 $ 80.00
9 to 10 $ 89.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 87.00

Germ Free (GF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 $ 300.00
5 $ 320.00
6 $ 350.00
7 $ 380.00
8 $ 410.00
9 $ 430.00
10 $ 450.00

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 556.00

B6 Male


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 $ 300.00
5 $ 320.00
6 $ 350.00
7 $ 380.00
8 $ 410.00
9 $ 430.00
10 $ 450.00

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 556.00

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999Quantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 $ 31.00 $ 28.00
5 to 8 $ 37.00 $ 33.00
9 to 10 $ 45.00 $ 41.00
11 to 12 $ 52.00 $ 46.00
13 to 14 $ 70.00
15 to 16 $ 80.00
17 to 18 $ 91.00
19 to 20 $ 102.00
21 to 22 $ 113.00
23 to 24 $ 123.00
25 to 26 $ 134.00
27 to 31 $ 156.00
32 to 36 $ 177.00
37 to 40 $ 199.00
41 to 44 $ 220.00
45 to 48 $ 241.00
49 to 52 $ 262.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-FLQuantity 1 - 199
Female With Litter $ 325.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 55.00

Specialized Inventory

Available now

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female $ 347.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female $ 247.00

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 $ 31.00 $ 28.00
5 to 8 $ 37.00 $ 33.00
9 to 10 $ 45.00 $ 41.00
11 to 12 $ 59.00 $ 46.00
13 to 14 $ 70.00
15 to 16 $ 80.00
17 to 18 $ 91.00
19 to 20 $ 102.00
21 to 22 $ 113.00
23 to 24 $ 123.00
25 to 26 $ 134.00
27 to 31 $ 156.00
32 to 36 $ 177.00
37 to 40 $ 199.00
41 to 44 $ 220.00
45 to 48 $ 241.00
49 to 52 $ 262.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 55.00

Pricing - EUR

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 35,00 €
5 to 6 38,00 €
7 to 8 42,00 €
9 to 10 48,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 79,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female 512,50 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female 79,00 €

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 35,00 €
5 to 6 38,00 €
7 to 8 42,00 €
9 to 10 48,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 79,00 €

Germ Free (GF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 273,00 €
5 291,00 €
6 319,00 €
7 346,00 €
8 373,00 €
9 391,00 €
10 410,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 506,00 €

B6 Male


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 273,00 €
5 291,00 €
6 319,00 €
7 346,00 €
8 373,00 €
9 391,00 €
10 410,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 506,00 €

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 21,00 € 20,00 €
5 to 8 23,00 € 21,00 €
9 to 10 29,00 € 27,00 €
11 to 12 36,00 € 33,00 €
13 to 14 64,00 €
15 to 16 73,00 €
17 to 18 83,00 €
19 to 20 93,00 €
21 to 22 103,00 €
23 to 24 112,00 €
25 to 26 122,00 €
27 to 31 142,00 €
32 to 36 161,00 €
37 to 40 181,00 €
41 to 44 200,00 €
45 to 48 219,00 €
49 to 52 238,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-FLQuantity 1 - 199
Female With Litter 296,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 50,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Available now

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female 276,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female 225,00 €

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 21,00 € 20,00 €
5 to 8 23,00 € 21,00 €
9 to 10 29,00 € 27,00 €
11 to 12 36,00 € 33,00 €
13 to 14 64,00 €
15 to 16 73,00 €
17 to 18 83,00 €
19 to 20 93,00 €
21 to 22 103,00 €
23 to 24 112,00 €
25 to 26 122,00 €
27 to 31 142,00 €
32 to 36 161,00 €
37 to 40 181,00 €
41 to 44 200,00 €
45 to 48 219,00 €
49 to 52 238,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 50,00 €

Pricing - USD Nonprofit

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 $ 55.00
5 to 6 $ 69.00
7 to 8 $ 80.00
9 to 10 $ 89.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 87.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female $ 524.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female $ 87.00

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 $ 55.00
5 to 6 $ 69.00
7 to 8 $ 80.00
9 to 10 $ 89.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 87.00

Germ Free (GF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 $ 250.00
5 $ 270.00
6 $ 290.00
7 $ 310.00
8 $ 330.00
9 $ 360.00
10 $ 390.00

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 556.00

B6 Male


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 $ 250.00
5 $ 270.00
6 $ 290.00
7 $ 310.00
8 $ 330.00
9 $ 360.00
10 $ 390.00

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 556.00

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 $ 31.00 $ 28.00
5 to 8 $ 39.00 $ 33.00
9 to 10 $ 45.00 $ 41.00
11 to 12 $ 52.00 $ 46.00
13 to 14 $ 70.00
15 to 16 $ 80.00
17 to 18 $ 91.00
19 to 20 $ 102.00
21 to 22 $ 113.00
23 to 24 $ 123.00
25 to 26 $ 134.00
27 to 31 $ 156.00
32 to 36 $ 177.00
37 to 40 $ 199.00
41 to 44 $ 220.00
45 to 48 $ 241.00
49 to 52 $ 262.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-FLQuantity 1 - 199
Female With Litter $ 325.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder $ 55.00

Specialized Inventory

Available now

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female $ 347.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female $ 247.00

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 $ 31.00 $ 28.00
5 to 8 $ 39.00 $ 33.00
9 to 10 $ 45.00 $ 41.00
11 to 12 $ 59.00 $ 46.00
13 to 14 $ 70.00
15 to 16 $ 80.00
17 to 18 $ 91.00
19 to 20 $ 102.00
21 to 22 $ 113.00
23 to 24 $ 123.00
25 to 26 $ 134.00
27 to 31 $ 156.00
32 to 36 $ 177.00
37 to 40 $ 199.00
41 to 44 $ 220.00
45 to 48 $ 241.00
49 to 52 $ 262.00

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder $ 55.00

Pricing - EUR Nonprofit

Opportunist Free (OF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 35,00 €
5 to 6 38,00 €
7 to 8 42,00 €
9 to 10 48,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 79,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female 512,50 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female 79,00 €

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
3 to 4 35,00 €
5 to 6 38,00 €
7 to 8 42,00 €
9 to 10 48,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 79,00 €

Germ Free (GF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 228,00 €
5 246,00 €
6 264,00 €
7 282,00 €
8 300,00 €
9 328,00 €
10 355,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 506,00 €

B6 Male


Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 999
4 228,00 €
5 246,00 €
6 264,00 €
7 282,00 €
8 300,00 €
9 328,00 €
10 355,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Germ-free animals may require additional time for delivery.

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 506,00 €

Murine Pathogen Free (MPF) Health Standard

B6 Female


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 21,00 € 20,00 €
5 to 8 23,00 € 21,00 €
9 to 10 29,00 € 27,00 €
11 to 12 36,00 € 33,00 €
13 to 14 64,00 €
15 to 16 73,00 €
17 to 18 83,00 €
19 to 20 93,00 €
21 to 22 103,00 €
23 to 24 112,00 €
25 to 26 122,00 €
27 to 31 142,00 €
32 to 36 161,00 €
37 to 40 181,00 €
41 to 44 200,00 €
45 to 48 219,00 €
49 to 52 238,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-FLQuantity 1 - 199
Female With Litter 296,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RFQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Female Breeder 50,00 €

Specialized Inventory

Available now

B6-TPQuantity 1 - 199
Timed Pregnant Female 276,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-UPQuantity 1 - 199
Untimed Pregnant Female 225,00 €

*Untimed pregnant requests are filled with late gestation pregnant females. Pups may be delivered in transit.

B6 Male


Available now

Age in WeeksQuantity 1 - 199Quantity 200 - 999
3 to 4 21,00 € 20,00 €
5 to 8 23,00 € 21,00 €
9 to 10 29,00 € 27,00 €
11 to 12 36,00 € 33,00 €
13 to 14 64,00 €
15 to 16 73,00 €
17 to 18 83,00 €
19 to 20 93,00 €
21 to 22 103,00 €
23 to 24 112,00 €
25 to 26 122,00 €
27 to 31 142,00 €
32 to 36 161,00 €
37 to 40 181,00 €
41 to 44 200,00 €
45 to 48 219,00 €
49 to 52 238,00 €

Specialized Inventory

B6-RMQuantity 1 - 199
Retired Male Breeder 50,00 €

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2025 Pricing Guide Now Available

Get your Taconic Biosciences 2025 Pricing Guide today. Personalized, customizable, links to up-to-date health reports, and additional information on Taconic's products and services.

Pricing Guide

Why Use B6 (C57BL/6) Mice for Your Research Studies?

Black 6 (C57BL/6) mice are the preferred choice for many researchers because of their proven track record in various research applications. These genetically uniform mice ensure that your experiments are not affected by genetic variability, allowing for clear and reliable data. Whether working in genetics, pharmacology, or other areas, B6 mice deliver exceptional quality and consistency, making them the gold standard for preclinical studies.

When it comes to B6 mice, Taconic Biosciences is your trusted partner. With decades of experience in breeding and maintaining high-quality mouse models, Taconic ensures that every Black 6 (C57BL/6) mouse meets the strictest standards for genetic purity and health. Researchers can count on Taconic’s rigorous breeding programs and quality control procedures to provide genetically accurate, healthy mice for their studies.


B6 (C57BL/6) Mice for Immunology, Oncology, and Neuroscience Research

The Black 6 mouse model is a cornerstone in research across immunology, oncology and immuno-oncology, and neuroscience. With its genetically stable background, C57BL/6 mice provide consistent and reliable data that are essential for studying complex biological systems. In immunology, they are frequently used to investigate immune responses and autoimmune diseases, offering insights into therapeutic interventions. In cancer research, B6 mice serve as a critical tool for modeling cancer progression and testing new cancer therapies. Their application in neuroscience research is equally important, enabling the study of neurodegenerative diseases, neuroinflammation, and brain function. The versatile and predictable nature of the B6 strain makes it an invaluable resource for advancing research in these diverse and rapidly evolving fields.

Order High-Quality Black 6 (C57BL/6) Mice for Your Biomedical Research

Black 6 (B6) mice are the preferred choice for many researchers because of their proven track record in various research applications. These genetically uniform mice ensure that your experiments are not affected by genetic variability, allowing for clear and reliable data. Whether working in genetics, pharmacology, or other areas, B6 mice from Taconic Biosciences deliver exceptional quality and consistency, making them the gold standard for preclinical studies.

2025 Pricing Guide Now Available

Get your Taconic Biosciences 2025 Pricing Guide today. Personalized, customizable, links to up-to-date health reports, and additional information on Taconic's products and services.

Pricing Guide

Customer Reviews and Testimonials—Hear From our Scientists

Webinar On-Demand

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR | Breed Vs. Buy: What's The Right Choice For Your Lab?

White Paper

The Most Important Mouse in the World: The Utility and Applications of C57BL/6 Models


White Paper

Syngeneic Mouse Models for Preclinical Immuno-Oncology Research | WHITE PAPER
Smart Select Program

Trial an Animal Model for Quality & Compatibility Assurance

As longtime facilitators of animal-based research, we understand the importance of aligning your project goals and procurement priorities to support advancements in your research. 

  • Evaluate a specific model strain, before making any financial investment
  • Request up to 20 animals from one of the strains listed below, to test for quality, consistency, and suitability for your experimental purpose
  • Enjoy free ground shipping, where applicable (see table for more details)*